In Latin, ‘Ex-Libris’ means ‘From the books of’.
It is an illustrated bookplate for identification a book’s owner, which was first used in medieval times.
Since then, Ex-Libris stamps became a form of art, with its detailed, miniature graphics.
Each design, custom-made or from the catalog, is made with dedication, thought and purpose of preserving tradition.
The wooden handles are handmade, engraved with a 100 y/o engraving machine.
FOREVER STAMPS is project by artist Arbelle Shtainer.
It all started when Arbelle designed and produced an Ex-Libris for her partner’s birthday and completely fell in love with the medium.
Slowly but surely, it developed into a project where people can order a custom designed stamp and gift it for their loved ones (or themselves:) which makes a perfect gift for book lovers.
Thank you for helping preserve a tradition and supporting an independent creation <3